1 - The essential story follows a man who tells a story of a traveling carnival that comes to his town and Dr. Caligari and his companion who sleepwalks. His companion is able to predict the future and is used by Caligari to commit murders in the town. As the detective investigates the murders, he discovers that Caligari is actually the director of an insane asylum, and that his companion is a patient under his control. In the end, it is revealed that Francis' entire story was a hallucination brought on by his own insanity and that Caligari is actually a kind figure. 2- The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari tells its story through a combination of visual style, set design, and performance. 3- The conventions of cinematic story telling it uses is b ody language, facial expressions, v isual symbolism, music, and sound effects. 4- The final plot twist is the entire story was a hallucination experienced by the protagonist. 5- The final plot twist comments upon cinematic storytelling by hi...